Y’all, I thought this recipe up last night and couldn’t wait to make it this morning. Blueberry cheesecake French toast! It sounds decadent, but it was only 3 points and
2 slices of Nature’s Own 100% whole wheat one egg,
a little unsweetened vanilla almond milk
a splash of vanilla extract. Cooked them in cooking spray
frozen blueberries
a little 1 packet Stevia.
one tablespoon of sugar free pudding mix
ff Greek yogurt
I used 2 slices of Nature’s Own 100% whole wheat bread and soaked them in a mixture of one egg, a little unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and a splash of vanilla extract. Cooked them in my sprayed nonstick skillet while my frozen blueberries simmered in a little water and Stevia. The cheesecake part is about one tablespoon of sf pudding mixed with ff Greek yogurt thinned down with a little almond milk.
thanks to Angela for sharing with us!!
Notes: from cheryl I’ve made a blueberry compote many times to put over pancakes but will make it for this French toast. Take 1/2 cup blueberries and 2 T sugar free syrup and place in small sprayed skillet. Cook over medium heat approximately 5 minutes til thickened. Going to use sugar free lemon pudding for the cheesecake because thats all I have. But I love anything lemon blueberry. Thank you for the French toast recipe!!