Weight Watchers four point brownie Sundae 

This entire Sundae is 4 pts.

Weight Watchers points breakdown –2 points for the brownie and 2 points for 2 small scoops of Halo salted caramel ice cream.  You could do one scoop and it would be 3 pts. There isn’t enough of the caramel Sundae topping to count it as a point (i weighed it) and same with the whipped cream.

Directions Make the Brownies as directed on the box but sub applesauce for the oil. Bake in muffin pan for easy portioning at 350 for 15 mins. DELICIOUS!! Who says dieting has to be miserable??!!

Weight Watchers four point brownie Sundae
Weight Watchers four point brownie Sundae
Weight Watchers four point brownie Sundae

By Fkkzzz

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