Eat taco cups for just 1 weight watchers point each … . 24 cups total made.
- Canned black beans 1 1/2 cup s
- Tumaro’s Low-In-Carb Sundried tomato basil wraps 6 wrap s
- Cooked onion s 11/2 cup(s)
- Red bell pepper s 1 cup(s) (chopped)
- Green bell pepper s 1 cup(s) (chopped)
- taco seasoning
- I used 6 wraps and cut them into 4 pieces each.
- I cooked the peppers, corn, onions and beans on the skillet first And then stuffed the cups at 350 with cheese for about 10 minutes MAX. It browned the wraps just right.
- I top just a dab of light sour cream (i count those points separate) and taco sauce and I am set