6 lemons, cutting off the ends and removing the pulp for the cups
1 can coconut cream frozen into cubes (brand linked above)
4-5 tbsp maple syrup
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 lemons, peeled and cut in half frozen
1 drop lemon essential oiloptional, brand linked above
Start by pouring coconut cream into ice cube molds and place into the freezer.
Peel two lemons, cut in half and remove any large seeds. Place them in the freezer in Tupperware. Freeze both for several hours or overnight.
To make the lemon cups, slice off the very bottom of 6 lemons. It should allow the lemons to be able to placed upright without falling over. Set the sliced lemon pieces aside.
Then cut off the tops, about 1/2-1 inch thick and set aside. Remove the flesh (all the pulp and juice) by using a spoon. Use the spoon to gently scrape inside the lemon to remove it all. Saving about 1/4 of lemon juice. (I find this process is best over a bowl)
Place the lemons upright then place the sliced bottom pieces inside the lemon onto the the bottoms, allowing them to close off any holes in the bottom of the lemon.
Place in the freezer with the coconut cream and lemons to freeze for several hours (or overnight).
To make the sorbet, remove frozen lemons and coconut cream cubes. Allow to thaw for about 20 minutes.
Place into a high speed blender with lemon juice, maple syrup and lemon essential or zest (optional)
Blending until smooth. If you using a high speed blender like a vitamix, use the tamper to push down as go. If not using a high speed blender, simply stop as you go, mixing it with a spoon in between blending.
Once smooth, remove lemon cups from freezer and using a spoon or ice cream scooper to pour the sorbet mixture into the lemons. Top with lemon slices.
Save any remaining sorbet in an airtight container in the freezer.
Freeze the lemons for several hours or overnight before serving.
Allow to thaw for at least 10 minutes before eating. Garnish with fresh mint.