I’ve never made cold brew at home and now I’m in love, it’s very smooth and a nice change from my usual hot coffee. The box says to brew it overnight or 8-12 hours, but I forgot about it and it brewed like 16 hours. Oops. I didn’t water it down any extra and it doesn’t taste too strong.
I drizzled the inside of my cup with this sugar free caramel syrup, which is not as WW friendly as I thought it would be, so I don’t think I’ll be buying it again. I estimated I used like a half tbs of syrup, and just that little bit is 1 point! Now that I think of it I might just save it for the kids since that little amount really isn’t doing anything. I had taken a picture before I stirred my coffee and you could see the caramel swirl, but I forgot to put the caramel syrup bottle in the picture lol.
As for the Torani syrup, I just poured in a glug. It’s zero points anyway. I also didn’t count the almond milk since is 1 point per cup, and I didn’t use that much.